4th GMES & Africa Grants Information Meeting - Northern Africa Region, Cairo-Egypt, 03-04 April 2017
04 April 2017
The GMES & Africa Programme organized the 4th information session with potential applicants for its grants in the Northern Africa region from the 03rd to the 04th of February 2017, at the Royal Maxim Palace Kempinski, Cairo-Egypt.
GMES & Africa will be implemented through an open Call for Proposal, using AUC procurement procedures, to institutions that will act as regional outlets on the identified applications.
In order to allow maximum contribution from stakeholders and arrive at the best approach for the Call, AUC has held several rounds of consultations especially with the RECs and RICs based on their experiences with previous initiatives.
The session provided the opportunity to expose the participants to critical information on the Guidelines to ensure that the most competent institutions are adequately aware of procedures for application. It was also an avenue to launch a robust media and publicity campaign for GMES & Africa, with cross-cutting press coverage, interviews and publication.
Contacts details
- Dr Mahmoud AHMED, Chair of National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences (NARSS), Cairo- Egypt
- Prof. Dr. Islam Abou EL-MAGD, International Affairs Coordinator at NARSS, Cairo- Egypt, imagd@narss.sci.eg
- Dr. Tidiane OUATTARA, GMES & Africa Programme Coordinator, Dept. of Human Resources, Science and Technology (HRST), African Union Commission, Addis Ababa – Ethiopia. Email: OuattaraT@africa-union.org
- Mr. Adiatou FATTY, GMES & Africa Communication Officer, Dept. of Human Resources, Science and Technology (HRST), African Union Commission, Addis Ababa – Ethiopia. Email: ardyfatty@yahoo.co.uk
- Prof. Mahama Bachir SALEY, GMES & Africa Water and Natural Resources Senior Expert, Dept. of Human Resources, Science and Technology (HRST), African Union Commission, Addis Ababa – Ethiopia. Email: basaley@yahoo.fr
- Mr. Brice MONTFRAIX, GMES & Africa Technical Assistance Team, Dept. of Human Resources, Science and Technology (HRST), African Union Commission, Addis Ababa – Ethiopia. Email: bm@plurivalent.com
Other resources
- Concept note on GMES & Africa;
- Programme of the Grant Information Meeting Cairo;
- Speech by Dr Mahmoud AHMED, Chair of NARSS;
- Speech by Dr Tidiane OUATTARA, G&A Programme Coordinator;
- Presentation of NARSS by Dr. Islam Abou EL-MAGD, International Affairs Coordinator;
- Presentation of GMES and Africa;
- Presentation of the GMES and Africa Guidelines;
- Presentation of the AUC Procurement Procedures;
- Presentation of the AUC Grants Management.