GMES & Africa visits JRC
04 May 2017
The GMES & African team (Programme Management Unit including of AUC, and Technical Assistance Team) is invited for a coordination meeting at JRC in Ispra, Italy, from 4th to 5th May 2017.
This two-days' meeting is the opportunity to present to the team the JRC activities in support to Africa, including the support provided in the framework of the MESA initiative and the expected contribution under the GMES & Africa Administrative Arrangement.
The implementation of the GMES&Africa Programme will be discussed as well as the practical arrangements to ensure effectiveness of our support to this Programme, in the coming years.
GMES & Africa Team
African Union Commission/HRST
Addis Ababa - Ethiopia
Day #1 - Thursday 4th May 2017
Day #2 - Friday 5th May 2017
This two-days' meeting is the opportunity to present to the team the JRC activities in support to Africa, including the support provided in the framework of the MESA initiative and the expected contribution under the GMES & Africa Administrative Arrangement.
The implementation of the GMES&Africa Programme will be discussed as well as the practical arrangements to ensure effectiveness of our support to this Programme, in the coming years.
GMES & Africa Team
African Union Commission/HRST
Addis Ababa - Ethiopia
- Dr Tidiane OUATTARA, AUC/GMES and Africa Regional (G&A) Coordinator.
- Mr. Brice MONTFRAIX, G&A TAT Team Leader, EO Integration Products.
- Mr. Hamdi KACEM, G&A TAT Water and Land Resources Management Expert.
Joint Research Centre of the European Commission
Via Enrico Fermi 2749
21027 Ispra - Italia
Postal address: building JRCISP - 1049 – Ispra
Dir D1, Bio Economy
- Dr. Frederic ACHARD, frederic.achard[at]ec.europa.eu, Scientific Research Project Manager, +39 033278-5545
- Dr. Bruno COMBAL, bruno.combal[at]ec.europa.eu, Scientific Project Officer, +39 033278-9643
- Dr. Hugh EVA, hugh.eva[at]ec.europa.eu, Project Officer of Scientific Research, +39 033278-5016
Dir D1, Disaster Risk Management
- Dr. Lorenzo ALFIERI, lorenzo.alfieri[at]ec.europa.eu, Project Officer of Scientific Research, +39 033278-3835
- Dr. Jürgen VOGT, jürgen.vogt[at]ec.europa.eu, Action Leader, +39 033278-5481
Dir D2, Water and Marine Resources
- Dr. Cesar, CARMONA-MORENO, cesar.carmona-moreno[at]ec.europa.eu, Senior Expert, +39 033278-9654
- Dr. Celine DONDEYNEAZ (Ms), celine.dondeyneaz[at]ec.europa.eu, Project Officer of Scientific Research, +39 033278-5332
- Dr. Jean-Noel DRUON, Jean-noel.druon[at]ec.europa.eu, Project Officer of Scientific Research, +39 033278-6468
- Dr. Paolo RONCO, paolo.ronco[at]ec.europa.eu, Scientific/Technical Projects Officer, +39 033278-5449
Dir D5, Food Security
- Dr. Francois KAYITAKIRE, francois.kayitakire[at]ec.europa.eu, Project Manager - Scientific Project leader, +39 033278-6580
- Dr. Thierry NEGRE, thierry.negre[at]ec.europa.eu, Team Leader - Food Security, +39 033278-9747
- Dr. Felix REMBOLD, felix.rembold[at]ec.europa.eu, Scientific Project Officer, +39 033278-6559
Dir D6, Knowledge for Sustainable development and Food Security
- Dr. Andreas BRINK, andreas.brink[at]ec.europa.eu, Project Officer - Scientific Research, +39 033278-5567
- Dr. Ing. Marco CLERICI, marco.clerici[at]ec.europa.eu, Project Officer of Scientific Research, +39 033278-9960
- Dr. Mark DOWELL, mark.dowell[at]ec.europa.eu, Scientific Research Project Manager, +39 033278-9095
- Dr. Paolo ROGGERI, paolo.roggeri[at]ec.europa.eu, Scientific / Technical Project Officer - Scientific/Technical Officer, +39 033278-5014
- Ing. Antoine ROYER, antoine.royer[at]ec.europa.eu, Project Officer of Scientific Research, +39 033278-3860
- Dr. Ing. Marco CLERICI, Scientific and Technical Officer, email: marco.clerici[at]ec.europa.eu.
Day #1 - Thursday 4th May 2017
- Overview of JRC Directorate D (Sustainable Resource) and D.6 Unit (Knowledge for Sustainable Development and Food Security)
- JRC and GMES&Africa Administrative Arrangement with DEVCO and expected contribution.
- Infrastructure component - JRC eStation 2.0 as part of the MESA Stations: Current functionalities and expected evolution; Training and User Support
- Food Security at JRC (D.5 Unit): Current Involvement in Support Projects; Tools and their evolution (SPIRITS, CST, …); Training Activities
- Water Body Detection (D.6 Unit): Current Status of research and applications; Potential contribution in GMES&Africa
Day #2 - Friday 5th May 2017
- Forest Monitoring Activities in JRC (D.1): Methodology and tools; Potential application in GMES&Africa (on the basis of MESA’s legacy)
- JRC Activities on Biodiversity and Protected Areas (D.6)
- JRC Activities on Marine Resources in ACP (D.2)
- Status update of GMES&Africa (info day, guidelines, recruitment)
- Discussion on EUMETSAT planned contribution to G&A
- Working modalities between G&A AUC Team (PMU) and JRC and preliminary calendar
- A Modern JRC In A Modern Commission, Paolo ROGGERI (PDF, 14 slides, 2 Mo)
- Administrative arrangement between JRC and DevCO for GMES and Africa, Marco CLERICI (PDF, 18 slides, 1.6 Mo)
- Agricultural monitoring with Earth Observation data in Africa, Felix REMBOLD (PDF, 33 slides, 6.8 Mo)
- eStation 2.0 for GMES&Africa, Marco CLERICI (PDF, 20 slides, 1.4 Mo)
- European and Global Drought Observatories, Jürgen VOGT (PDF, 9 slides, 1.5 Mo)
- Forecasting floods for disaster risk reduction at global scale, Lorenzo ALFIERI (PDF, 15 slides, 3.4 Mo)
- Forest Monitoring Activities on Africa-RecaREDD, Frederci ACHARD et Al. (PDF, 45 slides, 8.2 Mo)
- Forest Monitoring, Frederic ACHARD & Hugh EVA & Bruno COMBAL (PDF, 13 slides, 3.4 Mo)
- GCAD - Global Conservation and Development, Grégoire DUBOIS & Bastian BERTZKY (PDF, 19 slides, 1.5 Mo)
- Global Land High Resolution Hot Spot Monitoring - Providing Land Cover Information For Protected Areas And Beyond, Andreas BRINK et Al. (PDF, 24 slides, 1.3 Mo)
- Global Land Service, Mark DOWELL et Al. (PDF, 18 slides, 1.5 Mo)
- Global Scale Mapping of The When and Where Of Inland And Coastal Waters Over 32 Years At 30 M Resolution, J.F. PEKEL (PDF, 22 slides, 10.7 Mo)
- Monitoring Modelling and Assessing to Support Policy and Decision Makers and Management Strategies - AFRIMED Team (PDF, 26 slides, 3.7 Mo)
- Monitoring Of Ocean Productivity From Satellite In Support Of Sustainable Fisheries, Jean-Noël DRUON (PDF, 21 slides, 1.6 Mo)